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World Food Day (HPS, World Food Day-WFD) is an annual celebration to honor the date of the establishment of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) which was launched by the United Nations in 1945. The date of the determination of this WFD is the same as the date of the establishment of the World Food Organization (FAO), namely October 16th. The commemoration of World Food Day (WFD) is a consequence of Indonesia’s participation as a member of FAO. The World Food Day is considered as an effort to increase the awareness of the world population of the importance of handling food problems at the regional, national and global levels.

P-TALI as a professional organization engaged in the environmental sector considers WFD important and strategic, because good environmental quality will affect the quality of food / agricultural products produced. The current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the entire world, including Indonesia, has become a challenge for P-TALI to keep giving thought so that environmental conditions are maintained so that food availability is sustainable and environmentally sound. For this reason, P-TALI in commemoration of this year’s WFD raised the theme “ACHIEVING QUALITY FOOD / AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT TO MEET THE NEED OF THE PEOPLE DURING COVID-19” (ACHIEVING QUALITY OF FOOD / AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT TO MEET THE NEED OF THE PEOPLE DURING COVID-19. 19)

This activity is expected to increase public awareness of the importance of sustainable and environmentally friendly food handling.

Special Guest Speaker :

  1. Dr. Ir. Fadjry Djufry, MSi. (DG of IAARD)
  2. Prof. Dr.Ir. Dedi Nursyamsi, M.Agr. (DG of Agency for Agricultural Extension and Human Resources Development)
  3. Dr. Ir. Agung Hendriadi, M.Eng. (DG of Food Security Agency)
  4. Mr. Martial Bernoux (FAO)
  5. Ir. Abdul Rochim, MSi. (DG of Industri Agro Industry-Ministry of Industry)
  6. Dr. Husnain (Director of ICALRRD)
  7. Ir. Yun Insiani, MSc. (Director of Management of B3 KLHK)
  8. Bjoern Ole Sander (IRRI)
  9. Tan Sianghe (CropLife Asia)
  10. Prof. Nataliya Shchegolkova (Lomonosov Moscow State University-Rusia)
  11. Dr. Amin Nur (Balitkabi)
  12. Wayan Supadno (Farmer)
  13. Sandi Okta Susila (Millennial Farmer)